Networks and self-help groups
Netzwerk Neuroendokrine Tumoren e. V. [Neuroendocrine Tumour Network]
Germany-wide self-help organisation for patients with neuroendocrine tumours
Counselling, regional groups, DIAGNOSENeT magazine, NET brochures, nationwide neuroendocrine tumour day, etc.
Bundesverband der Kehlkopflosen und Kehlkopfoperierten e.V. [Federal association of individuals who have had their larynx operated on or removed]
The Federal Association oversees all the regional associations, local and district associations, sections and other self-help groups (member organisations) in the Federal Republic of Germany, in order to provide timely social care for any individuals who have had their larynx operated on or removed and other neck breathers.
Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs [Self-help for Lung Cancer]
Nationwide self-help group for lung cancer sufferers, their dependants and other interested parties, and forum for mutual exchange.
Carcinoid call-point gGmbH
Self-help group for neuroendocrine tumours
Netzwerk für Congenitalen Hyperinsulinismus [Network for Congenital Hyperinsulism]
Network of experts for early diagnosis and effective treatment of congenital hyperinsulism
The only self-help group in Berlin and the surrounding area for patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumours
mamazone – Frauen und Forschung gegen Brustkrebs e.V. [mamazone – Women and Research against Breast Cancer]
... is an independent initiative involving breast cancer patients and scientists, which aims to give women with breast cancer a better outlook on life and survival. A non-profit organisation and registered association, mamazone is a recognised self-help group for women with breast cancer.
Eigeninitiative Berlin, Selbsthilfezentrum Köpenick/Treptow [Independent Initiative Berlin, Köpenick/Treptow Self-Help Centre]
The self-help centre’s range of services is geared towards self-help groups and those who are interested in self-help.
Bundesverband Prostatakrebs Selbsthilfe e. V. [Federal Prostate Cancer Self-Help Association]
The Federal Prostate Cancer Self-Help Association was formed in 2000 by merging 18 self-help groups. Since then, it has grown to include over 160 prostate cancer self-help groups. This makes the BPS the largest organisation of and for prostate cancer patients in Europe, and the second largest in the world.
Bundesverband der Selbsthilfeorganisationen zur Unterstützung von Erwachsenen mit Leukämien und Lymphomen e.V. [Federal Association of Self-Help Organisations to Support Adults with Leukaemia and Lymphoma]
The website of the Federal Association of Self-Help Organisations to Support Adults with Leukaemia and Lymphoma provides accounts of experiences, a discussion forum and suggestions for further reading.
Deutschen Dupuytren-Gesellschaft [German Dupuytren Society]
Association to promote treatment for Dupuytren’s disease and associated disorders such as Ledderhose disease and Peyronie’s disease.